
RasPad 3

When I first saw SunFounder’s Kickstarter announcement of the RasPad3, I was immediately intrigued. I was still using my old dependable, but increasingly slow and

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DeskPi Pro

The Deskpi Pro is a desktop case with hardware designed to contain a Raspberry Pi 4, a cooling tower, and SSD storage in a NUC-style

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Raspberry Pi 4

I’ve been a big fan of the Raspberry Pi single-board computer (SBC) since the introduction of the Model 1. I’ve used the various incarnations of

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Apple No More

I’ve never been a big fan of Apple. I’ve been around for a while, and was there for the Apple I, Apple II, Apple IIe,

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SEEED Studios Odyssey

The Seeed Studio Odyssey is a nifty little single-board computer (SBC) from Seeed Studios. Some of the technical details: Intel® Celeron® J4105, Quad-Core 1.5-2.5GHZ Dual-Band

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